How to donate towards our Ministry in Thailand:
Giften in/via Nederland.
Project- en persoonlijke donaties: ABN-AMRO, NL11ABNA0598530908.
Zion Child Care Trust International beschikt over een ANBI registratie.
Uw giften zijn aftrekbaar conform Belastingdienst Nederland.
For donations directly towards Thailand.
Bank: Bangkok Bank Swift code: BKKBTHBK
Account number: 537-0- 35592-6
In the name of: Foundation Zion Child Care Trust Intl. Chiangrai 57000, Thailand
For donations in the USA.
In the US, Baan Zion is in blessed partnership with Commission To Every Nation, a 501c3 missions organization. You can send your tax-deductible donation to them by mail at:
CTEN PO Box 291307, Kerrville, TX 78029-1307 {Please include a note with Baan Zion on it}
Donate online at Commission To Every Nation. Click the donate button. For further assistance call the CTEN Finance Dept. at 800-872- 5404. Thank you for your prayerful consideration to partner with us.